Listed below are the alien races that are located in or around the Habitat of Humanity.....

NOTE: my mother and youngest brother died recently, so I have taken a hiatus from writing for a while. I am unsure when I will be back to finish this section. Damon

These aliens are a "elder race", a species so advanced that their technology is nearly unbeatable on the battlefield. Luckily for humanity, the Alo were a "retiring race" that for the most part just wanted to be left alone on their homeworld. After some skirmishes with Coronal Humans, they were eventually interdicted on their planet of origin. Military analysts now say that the Alo "allowed" themselves to be defeated by humans; their war technology is just too advanced for the Habitat of Humanitys' armed forces to defeat. The Alo are at TL18, with a few wildcard tech thrown in. When
they fight, its to the death: they never retreat, never surrender, nor do they accept surrender from other enemy combatants. Their warships favor high-energy lasers and laser torpedoes and they their hull-of-choice is almost exclusively dreadnought-sized vessels, with a few minor escorts in the cruiser-range.

A highly aggressive race, the Barabo are enemies of humanity and they were interned their home world after a series of disastrous defeats at the hands of the Habitat Navy early in humanitys' reach for the stars. All of the Barabo colonies were removed from other worlds and their citizens were compulsorily interned back on their home planet. At the time, the Habitat Navy was still growing and the fight with the Barabo was nearly lost many times. Now, they are interdicted and not allowed to leave the atmosphere of their planet. Their tech level has dramatically fallen since then and only their high-tech Gunboats remain as a viable weapon; they are currently at TL5. On the battlefield the Barabo never 
retreat, even in the face of imminent destruction, although they will allow an enemy to retreat or surrender. At their fallen tech level, they almost exclusively use swarms of gunboats, often in suicide runs if needed.

This insect-like race is friendly to humanity and most other alien races. They have a small empire outside of the Habitat and are formally allied with the humans from Corona, especially against the voracious Star Hives and the insane Dionii bug-race. The Baufrin are brilliant computer technicians, having a multi-lobe brain that is capable of doing multiple things all at one time. They aren't very warlike and so they rely heavily on automated weaponry. Their current TL is 10. On the field of battle the
Baufrin use as much automated weaponry as possible and they don't use fighters or bombers. For capital warships they prefer the largest class possible (supermonitors) with escorts being into the battleship and destroyer range. They fight valiantly but not stupid and will retreat if the situation calls for it. They are also strongly allied to humanity and help fight in their ongoing wars.

This alien race is benign hive-mind species whose homeworld is located within the Habitat of Humanity. They are a medium-tech race (TL8) and they rarely colonize outside their home system. Bolbod armed forces are minimal, but they will shoot back at any ships that shadow, harass, or bother them in any way. They are also the only known race that uses engine tuners and X-Ray laser technology, which most navies avoid because of its explosive nature. The Bolbods are not officially allied with any other alien race since they are nearly impossible to communicate with on any level.

This alien race is....elder race

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This alien race is....elder race


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This alien race is....

This alien race is....elder race

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This alien race is....

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This alien race is....

This alien race is....

This alien race is....elder race

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This alien race is....elder race


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This alien race is....elder race


This alien race is....elder race


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This alien race is....elder race


This alien race is....elder race


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