ADDITIONAL NPR CHARACTERISTICS One of the problems I have run into is that NPRs seem a little wooden. It seems like every NPR is either stuck up or everyone's friend. So instead of me just guessing(and possibly being inconsistent when the number of races gets bigger), I came up with some more characteristics to help define a NPR. RACIAL EXPANSION: (1-100). Just how willingly(badly?) does the race want to expand? Combined with the RM it will tell you what lengths they are willing to go when looking for more room to expand. RACIAL LOYALTY: (1-100, initially). This number is the base number and is the value used for each race it meets. The number will be modified by actions and events between the two races. When the going gets tough, does he stick with you or jump ship? RACIAL TRUST: (1-100). How willing is the race to trust another race. Will they believe what you say? This will be modified by the actions of the other race. It will go up when words and actions match, and down when they don't. RACIAL AGRESSIVENESS: (1-100). How aggressive is the race. Are they willing to push a situation or not? Will they tend to go beyond what would seem prudent? How willing he is to back up his words with actions? This number is also used to determine how much of his fleet a NPR is willing to commit outside of his home system. (New racial stats by Dallace Unger??) LUREN STATS The Luren race apparently has the following racial statistics: RC 30 RM 88 RD 83 RE 77 RL 44 RT 21 RA 91