CLASS: M (pleasure planet)
POPULATION: 500 million
TECH: Advanced
SYSTEM: Rilos System (3rd planet)

The planet Rilos is located in the Gamma Quadrant, near the Chamdra Vortex (a interstellar phenomenon). Its populated by humans who have clearly been transported to this world by the Preservers several thousand years ago. Ethnically and politically the inhabitants are Italian, with a similar language and culture as the region of Sicily on Earth. The planet is being considered by Starfleet Command for a rest-and-relaxation world for crews operating in the Gamma Quadrant (its inhabitants are extremely gregarious). Rilos is a scientifically advanced world, united and stable. Its technical personnel are skilled in genetics in the following way:

The planet Rilos has a high-level of genetic manipulation and mastery. In the field of reproduction they are able to assign whatever characteristics a person wants for their child. Additional options are: ova fusion to make a child from two mothers (no father necessary). Tri-fusion to create a child from the genes of two fathers and a surrogate mother. Nearly any genetic tweak possible for your kids is legal on Rilos, including height, eye color, hair color, muscle mass, weight, health, IQ, charisma, and other services "by request".

Nearly any option is possible for visitors to Rilos: fat cutters, fat boosters, Nordic cheekbones, square jaws, almond-eye shapes, golden eyes, cat-slit eyes, hair curling viruses, hair straightening viruses, forked tongues, prehensile tongues, height therapy; no surgery required.

Medical booths on the planet offer viral gene injections to deliver enlarged or firmer breasts, larger penises, enhanced orgasms, and porn star feats of stamina and recovery.

Additional non-surgery techniques can enable a person to perform at a higher level. Stay awakes, sleep reduction hacks, extroverters, dream recall enhancers, dream suppressors, love injections, heartbreak erasers, orientation shifters, memory blurring, and savant drugs can dramatically change a person's abilities. In addition, viral injections can increase musical ability, remove guilt, and intensify religious and spiritual experiences. Nearly anything to alter the mind is available.

Nearly any body organ can be cloned and transplanted into a paying client: hearts, livers, kidneys, lungs, all for a standard fee. They are cloned from your own cells and speed-grown in just a few days. Regeneration of digits and limbs is also possible on Rilos. 

Several standard prerequisites must be met before landing on the planet, including proof of vaccinations, lack of criminality, and disease-free status. In addition, a persons' sexual preference must be logged before leave can be given on the planet. Listed below are the only sexual distinctions that Rilosians recognize:

Asexual: A person who does not experience sexual attraction. 

Cisgendered: Having a perceived sexual self-identity that matches the physical traits (i.e. a woman who sees herself as a woman). 

Demisexual: Someone who is only sexually attracted to someone they are emotionally interested in.

Dynamic: An individual who receives sexual satisfaction from one side of a power exchange, either dominating or submitting. 

Dyssexual: An individual who receives sexual satisfaction from violating others’ sexuality or making others uncomfortable (i.e. a woman who continues to seek a sexual relationship with an asexual individual). In extreme cases, a dyssexual may rape others or seek sexual satisfaction from those incapable of consent such as animals.

Hypersexual: One who considers sexual interaction a necessary part of a meaningful relationship. One who uses sexuality as a means of getting to know a person or exploring a relationship or who engages in sex more often as part of maintaining a healthy relationship. 

Hyposexual: One who places a low value on sex in a relationship. While an individual may engage in and enjoy sexual intercourse, the act is not seen as central to any relationship. 

Intrasexual: One whose sexual satisfaction is not focused on a partner or partners. In some cases, an intrasexual may even prefer self-pleasure over intimacy with another. 

Nondynamic: An individual who is averse to any power exchange during sex. 

Pansexual: An individual who is sexually attracted to a wide range of individuals, including members of different gender groups. 

Sexualfluid: One whose sexuality is flexible and may change, not over time as part of maturing, but on a regular basis. 

Stenosexual: An individual who is sexually attracted to those who possess particular traits rather than being sexually attracted to a sexuality or gender.