Supertechnology: The Atorian Empire is just beginning to develop supertechnology, which is defined as advanced technology not normally attributed to the physical universe. Technology is usually judged based on the depth of control over matter and energy. The different scales are:

Macroscale civilizations control structures and energy using macroscopic (on the order of meters to micrometers) tools. This is where naturally evolved civilizations begin. Energy is produced using natural power sources such as hydroelectric, solar or geothermal power, or nuclear energy, mainly fission. Macroscale civilizations usually are bound to a planet, a solar system, or possibly a small stellar neighborhood. 

Nanoscale civilizations control matter using nanotechnology, achieving atomic precision. Nanoassemblers, customized materials, molecular computers, self-replicating machines, and megastructures become possible. Fusion power, large scale solar collectors and antimatter production are possible. Uploading minds into computers becomes feasible, as well as artificial intelligence. Most of the civilizations in known space are on this level. 

Femtoscale civilizations control matter on the subatomic level, able to construct structures made of quarks, quantum fields and other exotica. Neutronium, femtomachines, artificial elements and stellar core engineering are possible. Energy can be produced by matter-energy conversion. Due to the enormous speed of computation in femtoscale computing such civilizations often develop quickly. 

Planckscale civilizations control reality on the quantum gravity level, able to produce artificial gravity, micro- and macro-black holes, wormholes, baby universes, closed time-like loops and exotic space-time topologies. Planckscale civilizations are rarely accessible for less developed civilizations and often depart for abstract spaces.