2017 USA-PRC War (aka the Pacific War). After a conflict over Taiwan, ten major US cities destroyed by surprise Chinese missile attack which virtually destroyed America as a global power. The United States' retaliatory strike annihilated two dozen major Chinese cities and nearly the entire PRC's military forces. The sudden removal of America from the world market causes a planetary economic collapse. The result of Americas demise as a superpower causes wide-spread famine in Africa, the Central American states economic meltdown, the collapse of Japan's techno-economy, and the rise of the European Union as a new world superpower. The destruction of New York City, Washington DC, Miami, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle, Atlanta, Detroit, Denver, and Boston resulted in 90 million American deaths over the next 20 years due to direct deaths and heavy fallout by dirty Chinese nuclear missiles. American capital moved to St. Louis.
2098 UN regains power. After nearly 80 years of economic morass following the destruction of American supremacy, the UN re-establishes the International Space Station and Moonbase and launches prepatory bases to Phobos and Deimos, Mars' two small moons.
2103 First WP travel. An accidental WP transit by a UN robotic probe is caught by telemetry and additional probes are sent to investigate the astrometric phenomena, which turns out to be Earth's first warp point. The UN Investigatory Committee decides to send out long-range robot probes to search out these 'warp points'. In a single year over 80 long-range probes are sent, detailing nearly 18 colonizable systems.
2118 First Colonizers leave Earth. The UNS Adventure, a massive transport with 50,000 colonists on board, begins its journey to the closest habitable star system orbiting Tau Ceti, and names the planet New Earth. Several other nations have finished building rickety colonizers and desperate to relieve population pressures, launch dozens of ships to waiting colony sites. Civil conflicts on some multiethnic colonies breaks out so individual governments sponsor ethnic-streaming colonies to halt the fighting.
2119 First Contact Established. The planet-bound Weft are discovered and first contact is made, which goes well. Within a year the Ssli and the Seti are also discovered, both races are also planet-bound and have not discovered warp points. Over time, the bear-like Dilbians, the tree-like Avoosl, the alien Ekh'l and E'aij, the benevolent Hubri, the malicious Ryxx, the bizarre Vlathu, the militant Bushi, and the xenocidal Bhor and Mizlapla are discovered. None of these races ever challenge mankind’s' supremacy in the stars.
2122 UN collapse. Serious infighting within the UN causes that international body to collapse in mutual recriminations over colony rights. The Europeans, Russians, Chinese, Indians, and Japanese all have launched dozens of 'nationalist' colony ships, staking claims to entire worlds for their countries while poorer states like the United States, South America, and Africa are left out of the colonizing race. Nationalistic Expansion Zones are set-up by the Five Powers and nearly 50 colonizer vessels are now in operation among the Five Powers. The World Council formed; this agency is more of a debate club and mutual defense pact among the remaining countries (minus the Five Powers) than anything else and is headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri.
2125 Russian Monarchy Re-Established. The Romanovs take over the direction of Russian affairs after repeated failures by the central government to create prosperity for the Russian people. Militant Hinduism runs rampant across Southeast Asia; the Pakistan Conflagration occurs. The destruction of Pakistan at the hands of India finally happens, although India loses Bombay, New Delhi, and Madras in the process. With the help of Israeli technology the Indians shoot down many incoming Pak missiles but the Arab League soundly condemns Israel and launches punitive raids against the tiny country. First significant Pakistani and Israeli immigration off world (the Paks to Sind and the Israelis to Ramat Gan and Ra'annana).
2128 Japanese fascism arises. After 10 years of continual colonization, the Japanese market again crashes, resulting in a second fascist movement that takes over all of its far-flung colonies among the stars. The EU Princeton Research Station in New Finland orbit is hurriedly evacuated without explanation, and a military cordon is placed on the system.
2139 European Union halts colonization. After two decades of heavy funding, the EU halts further funding of colonization efforts, requiring all Euro colonies to fund their own programs. The EU becomes a more monolithic organization hereafter. The existing colonial government on New Paris collapses, beginning six months of civil anarchy.
2142 First heavy cruisers developed. The French company TotalFinaElf developed the first heavy cruiser at their Toulon Yards in orbit of Burgundy for the European Navy. Other powers followed suit and an arms race breaks out among the major powers: the European Star Union, the Empire of the Rising Sun, the People's Republic of Chinese Space, the Hindu League, and several minor powers in Free Worlds area. Only the Russian Federation failed to develop additional warships, preferring to develop economically instead.
2155 Conglomerate Worlds Formed. The Core Worlds become heavily industrialized at this time, moving into Terra's sphere of influence. This movement culminates in the worlds closest to Sol forming the Conglomerate Worlds with Terra as the leading system. The first battlecruiser (HMS Renown) is built by the defense firm British Aerospace in orbit of their primary colony at Britannica. The Russian firm Aviakonversiya constructs the first orbital base at Novaya Zemla.
2160 Free Worlds Colonization Boom. Serious colonization efforts begin in the Free Worlds region of charted space. Brazilians, Argentines, Koreans, Australians, Americans, and many Arab groups start colonies in this resource poor zone. First beanstalk built on Kennedy. The penal colony Hardrock (an asteroid colony in the Free Worlds) celebrates the arrival of its' 600,000th inmate; Hardrockers eventually become the Sphere's most fearless Marine raiders. The Russian Federation forcibly annexes the geologically unstable planet Flint which explodes a year later, killing 340,000 new Russian colonists.
2179 First Battleship built. The Russian defense firm Mashinoimport fields its first Ivan-class battleship after the Skirmish at Uralskaya. Conflict along the Japanese-Russian interstellar border sparks a heavy build-up of military forces but the New Caledonia Conference diffuses tensions between the two powers.
2184 The Fast Plague. The government of Uraniborg declares a state of emergency because of a fast-acting plague. This plague moves quickly into other star systems and kills millions, including the EU President and his immediate family. The Merkava Industrial Combine (based on Ramat Gan) builds the first dreadnought and then superdreadnoughts for the New California Navy.
2190 Lehiroh Contacted. The space-going Lehiroh race is discovered surveying the Martax System; the first contact goes well and the Lehiroh join the Human Sphere as a temporary member. The government of Sind demands the closing of the Conglomerate Worlds military base in their system. The Emir of Sind is assassination shortly thereafter and attempts to avenge their Emir by leading a ramshackle fleet on an attack on the Conglomerate World Rennault is crushed.
2196 EU government moved. The seat of the EU government is formally moved from the populous Cannes System to Britannica after the French faction loses power to the British, who gained support from the German faction during political infighting. The unique planet Zarathustra is opened by the EU government for colonization. The 1st Frontier Fleet based on Nemo takes delivery of a prototype Unity-class experimental strike cruiser.
2201 Antimatter developed. Additional technologies developed during this year were the strike fighter and the carrier. The first Ajax-class microcarrier is fielded by the British Ministry of Defense later in the year. Heavy warship construction begins among various powers during this time, including a massive naval build-up by Rising Sun. IJN forces land troops on Uralskaya and overwhelms the defenders in a rapid invasion. The egg-shaped planet Jinx is discovered in Free Worlds space.
2204 Battle of Septuagent. A surprise naval raid by Japanese forces attack the three worlds of the Septuagent System, crushing the defending forces. The raid heightens tensions to near war-levels among the major powers. The Russian Federation, realizing far too late that it as put off military construction for too long, begins to crash field major warships at this time including the massive Rossiya- and Smolensk-class superdreadnoughts. After several uprisings, the Excalibur government collapses, starting the Excalibur Civil War.
2205 Current era. The People's Republic attacks several planets in the Free Worlds region, sparking a rash of defense treaties being signed among various systems and a mad race to build warships. The Imperial Japanese Navy begins full-scale operations against the unprepared Russian Federation and the Hindu League; both powers scream for help and desperately try to arm. The European Expansion Zone and the Conglomerate Worlds apparently choose to sit out the fighting.

Battle of Septuagent: In 2204 a surprise naval raid by Japanese forces attack the three Russian worlds of the Septuagent System, crushing the defending forces. The raid heightened tensions to near war-levels among the major powers. The Russian Federation, realizing far too late that it had put off military construction for too long, began to crash field major warships including the massive Rossiya- and Smolensk-class superdreadnoughts. This battle was the first indication that relations between the various powers was failing and that all-out war was imminent.
Bhor: Low-tech xenocidal and cannibalistic aliens that have been imprisoned on their homeworld, the Bhor are a subject race of the People’s Republic and all research into the race has recently been cut off by PRC officials. Looking vaguely like five-foot Trolls, the Bhor as a race are completely unable to understand that any other race is sentient. As such, all alien races are perceived as a food source to them.
Bushi: A militant race of aliens located deep within the space of the Empire of the Rising Sun, the Bushi are excellent warriors within the Imperial Japanese Forces and guardians of the Emperor and his extended family. This misuse of the Bushi has been protested by various stellar nations, including the European Star Union. The Bushi are treated as slave labor and cannon fodder within the Empire. Because of their high militancy the Bushi don’t appear to mind the mistreatment as long as they are able to continue killing “gaijin”.
Conglomerate Worlds: A densely-populated cluster of heavily industrialized worlds surrounding Terra. The Conglomerate Worlds are humanity’s oldest colony worlds, politically bound to the homeworld. Producing a fantastic amount of income, the CW are diplomatically impotent as they are guided by the Denebian Accords and dominated by Terra.
Dui Accords: An important and ancient treaty that states no member state shall violate anothers’ integral territory. This treaty (signed in 2123) has purportedly kept the peace for nearly a hundred years. The recent violation by the Empire of the Rising Sun against the Russian Federation has put the treaty in jeopardy. The Geneva Accords of space.
Empire of the Rising Sun: After expanding continually into space the Japanese Diet collapsed in bitter infighting when the entire Japanese economy tanked in 2128. The economic collapse resulted in a second fascist movement that took over all of Japans far-flung colonies among the stars. The Empire of the Rising Sun quickly became highly aggressive and militantly territorial, continually raiding it neighbors (the Russian Federation and the Hindu League). Rising Suns’ recent attacks have sparked serious fighting, allowing that nation to gain major territories against the Federation and the Hindus. Fighting continues….
European Star Union: A economically powerful but politically impotent interstellar power, the EU has grown among the stars to preeminence, using its clout primarily among its own domestic members. Major nations within the EU are the English (centers of power include Britannica, Devon, and St. George’s World), the French (Cannes System, Burgundy, and Gaul) and the Germans (Neubayern and Dunkelheim). Constant infighting weakens the EU and it has chosen to sit out the fighting among the other human worlds. After the start of new fighting by the PRC and Rising Sun the EU Congress has voted to sit out the fighting, despite the entreaties of their nominal allies—the Hindus and the Russians. However, it appears that British forces are moving to support various colonies within the Free Worlds League, without the knowledge of the central EU government.
Fast Plague: In 2184 the government of Uraniborg declared a state of emergency because of a fast-acting plague that began to decimate its’ population. The plague moved quickly into other star systems and killed millions, including the EU President (Yanni Shan) and her immediate family. The economic and political devastation the plague left behind seriously weakened Terra and the Conglomerate Worlds, and crippled the Russian Federations’ interstellar recovery.
Free Worlds League: A loose alliance of worlds located in a resource poor section of the galaxy, the Free Worlds League is composed of the Defcon League, Free Worlds Alliance, Kobra Worlds, and the Compact. Only smaller and poorer Terran nations colonized in the Free Worlds, including a smattering of Arabs, Jews, Americans, Koreans, and various other minority ethnic groups. Almost all colonies are ethnic-streaming and not multicultural. In 2205 the People's Republic attacked several planets in the Free Worlds region, sparking a rash of defense treaties being signed among various systems and a mad race to build warships. Fighting continues….
Hindu League: An ethnically pure interstellar state, the Hindu League is a loose amalgamation of Hindu nationals that have expanded into space, many of them were expelled from ancient India for their fundamentalist activities. The Leagues’ nominal capital is Gujarat but the Imperial Japanese Navy’s (IJN) thrust has cut the planet off from the rest of the League. Being unprepared for war, the Hindu League is wailing for help from the EU and the CW and desperately try to re-arm itself. Fighting continues….
Mizlapla: A vicious octopi race bent on the destruction of all other species, the Mizlapla are located in PRC space and are being forcibly held on their planet although they are capable of warp travel. Genocidal in the extreme, researchers studying the Mizlapla still know very little about their society and beliefs. A forcible protectorate by the PRC.
New Washington Naval Treaties: A series of interstellar treaties in the late 2140s that limited the number of heavy warships (and carriers) that the various powers could build. Promoted by the Free Worlds League, the treaties stopped a disruptive arms race that threatened to bankrupt nearly everyone involved. The Japanese and Chinese came out ahead in the negotiations but as EU Representative Lord Donnerly said, “The price of peace that was paid was small.” History will see.
Pacific War: A devastating nuclear conflict that nearly destroyed Terra, the Pacific War was sparked by American intervention in the Chinese invasion of Taiwan. Ten major US cities were vaporized by surprise Chinese missile attack, an act which virtually destroyed America as a global power. The American President and most of his government were killed in the massive nuclear strike on Washington DC but the United States' retaliatory strike annihilated two dozen major Chinese cities and destroyed nearly the entire PRC's military forces. The sudden removal of America from the world market caused a global economic collapse. The ultimate result of Americas’ demise as a superpower caused widespread famine in Africa, the Central American states economic meltdown, the collapse of Japan's techno-economy, and the rise of the European Union as a new world superpower. The destruction of New York City, Washington DC, Miami, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle, Atlanta, Detroit, Denver, and Boston resulted in 90 million American deaths over the next 20 years due to direct deaths and heavy fallout by dirty Chinese nuclear missiles. The American capital was moved to St. Louis.
People's Republic of Chinese Space: After the debacle of the Pacific War, the Chinese re-built Beijing and expanded into the stars. While they suffered nearly 200 million deaths from the war, the Chinese were able to recover quickly with the remaining one billion citizens that survived and became a truly powerful interstellar state. The Communist Party regained control of China after the war and continues to control all Chinese to this day. In 2205 the People's Republic attacked several planets in the Free Worlds region, an event which sparked a rash of defense treaties being signed among various systems and a mad race to build warships. Fighting continues.
Romanovs: A powerful and sometimes despotic family that has ruled Russian interests on and off again for 500 years, the Romanovs under Ivgeny Romanov III took over the Russian Federation and all its’ far-flung interstellar colonies in 2125 after repeated failures by the central government to create prosperity for the Russian people. Their leadership continues under the direction of Piotr Mikhail Romanov and his domineering mother Magda Ivanka Romanov.
Russian Federation: Initially established by Russian expatriates from Earth, the Federation was taken over in early 2125 by the Romanov family after the Russian government collapsed amid financial failures and military coups. The Romanovs took over of the direction of Russian affairs after repeated failures by the central government to create prosperity for the Russian people. The last fifty years have been spent uplifting various Russian colonies but efforts by the government on New Moskva have failed to increase government revenues. The Romanov family was caught off-guard by the recent Japanese offensive but have begun to pour vast sums of money into warship construction.
Ryxx: A vicious humanoid race resembling a preying mantis, Ryxx were a space-going race until humanity forced them back to their homeworld in 2190. The malicious Ryxx enjoy to torture humanoids, loving to hear their screams of pain and agony. Dominated by the Russian military, scientists have theorized that Ryxx receive emotional or physical gratification by the suffering of another sentient being.
UNS Adventure: The first colony ship, the UNS Adventure transported its’ first 50,000 colonists to New Earth (Centauri System) on January 15th, 2118 after UN probes found the system habitable. New Earth became Terra’s first off-world colony, and its’ most successful. The UNS Adventure was in service for nearly 22 years and transported over 30 million colonists before it vanished on a mission to Rigel Prime.